Wednesday, September 28, 2011


At my school we have a program called accelerated reader(A.R.). It is a website that monitors our reading comprehension. It gives you points every time you take a test and pass it. Now maybe your school doesn't have this program but you should still read books. Some of my favorites are Harry Potter,The Hunger Games, and Maximum Ride. They are all really good books. Tell me if you enjoy them or if you need other options.

Author's of children's books

I think that author's of children's books teach powerful lessons. An example of that is a book called Listen Buddy by Helen Lester. The story is about a bunny that never listens to his parents. He goes out to explore and almost gets eaten by a monster. The lesson of the story is to listen to your parents and others. Also author's have a way of adding facts to fictional stories like The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan. In the book you read about Egyptian artifacts and gods while enjoying  a story about 2 kids that find out about a piece of family history that they never knew about it.  Author's of children's books have to be creative, and have a good imagination to make books that teach children lessons and actually want to read.