Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I know that a lot of schools including mine are going to start testing for the state soon. So I want to wish you good luck. Take your time. Eat a good breakfast. Sleep well. But most importantly, make sure you make your teachers look good. If you don't do well on testing your teachers will get in trouble. You might not like your teachers but I'm pretty sure you don't want them to get in trouble or possible be fired. Another thing is that if you do well, you might get the something you really want. That's what my parents do and it is a huge motivation for every time I test. So Good luck!!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Coolest Twist-Up Ever

In my gifted class, we were talking about twist-up sayings.

Original sayings Examples:

1.Curiosity killed the cat.
2.When life gives you lemons make lemonade.

Twisted up sayings:

Curiosity killed the cat, the cat chased the mouse, the mouse jumped off a cliff, the cat followed, the mouse didn't have a life. But the cat had a life.

When life gives lemons make lemonade, then pur it on the person that gave lemons since you originally asked for oranges.

Call and responses:

1. You are crazy.
2. You took the words right out of my mouth.
3. You are weird

1. No, I'm not because my mother had me tested.
2. I can't physically take the words out of my mouth.
3. I'm not weird, I'm gifted