Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Band: Good or Bad


Music is the most interesting, unique, thing in the world. I love it but making it is a totally different story. I hate band class. It is the most unproductive thing I have ever been in. I hate my instrument and practicing it. I play the french horn. It is considered the most difficult instrument. I made a promise with myself that I would I would keep it until 8th grade. I must have really tried to keep that promise because this year I was faced with the choice to keep it or get rid of it. I couldn't make the decision and ended up with it for another long year. Why you are probably asking yourself did I keep it? I think that I kept it because if I kept it longer I probably would be able to enjoy more as I got better.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Welcome back!

Hey! I'm sorry I haven't been recently posting I have been so busy! We are back in school and wishing that it is already over. Teachers are giving us too much homework and we are just sliding by to get that passing grade. We are remembering the summer like it was just yesterday. I had one of the best summers and being back in school makes me feel terrible. What are some of the things that you did over the summer?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Everyday Life:Best Friends

What is a best friend? I person you can share secrets with! The person you can share your goals and accomplishments with! Someone you can count at any time! Not all of us out there are this all of the time! But a best friend is something you don't have to have so don't take it for granted.